September 29, 2014

HOW-TO execute a maven plugin within eclipse?

If you're running maven with eclipse you've probably been frustrated by "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" error. Well after while I finally managed to get it to do what I wanted. The key is that there is a org.eclipse.m2e:ifecycle-mapping maven plugin that does nothing but let eclipse know how you want to handle a specific goal. For instance in the following example
I've instructed to execute the hibernate3-maven-plugin:run goal.  If you take a look at the eclipse doc you'll see there is also an ignore option. For the longest time, I was just setting them to ignore but recently I learned about the execution option. This seems to work for me although for certain incremental builds its not re-executing the command.

It does however seem to alway run when I do an eclipse clean.


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